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Sewing Buttons (Ages 14 – 17, Registration Required)

Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama City, FL, United States

Learn how to sew buttons onto fabric. Program geared for ages 14 - 17. Registration required. To register, call 850-522-2118 or send us a message on our Bay County Public Library Facebook page.


Sea Needles

Panama City Beach Public Library 12500 Hutchison Blvd, Panama City Beach, FL

Join us and make new friends as you work on your own sewing, knitting or crochet project. Stop by our display case to see some of the beautiful finished projects.

Preschool Storytime

Corinne Costin Gibson Memorial Public Library 110 Library Drive, Port St. Joe, FL, United States

Stories, songs, movement and music to instill a love a reading, followed by time to play with friends in our well equipped classroom! Program geared for 18 months - 5 years of age with caregiver.


After-School Switch League (Ages 8 – 12)

Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama City, FL, United States

Hang out and enjoy Nintendo Switch Games! Program geared for ages 8 - 12.


Seaside Stitchers

Corinne Costin Gibson Memorial Public Library 110 Library Drive, Port St. Joe, FL, United States

We offer a warm, seaside welcome to anyone who is interested in needle arts. Bring your latest project and join us as we knit together a more vibrant community!



Charles Whitehead Memorial Public Library 314 North Second Street, Wewahitchka, FL, United States

Build unique challenges followed by free play. Program geared for school aged children.


Book Babies (Ages 0 – 2)

Panama City Beach Public Library 12500 Hutchison Blvd, Panama City Beach, FL

Bring your baby and enjoy a time of interactive stories, songs, and scarf play.  Class sizes are limited to 24 people each session; two class times of same class. Program geared for ages 0 - 2 with caregiver. 10:00 - 10:20 a.m. Session 1 10:30 - 10:50 a.m. Session 2

Busy Bee Readers Book Club

Charles Whitehead Memorial Public Library 314 North Second Street, Wewahitchka, FL, United States

Please contact Wewahitchka Library for monthly book club titles by calling 850-639-2419. Program geared for adults. 
