4 events found.
Raptors of Northwest Florida
Charles Whitehead Memorial Public Library 314 North Second Street, WewahitchkaLearn all about raptors and what types live in our area. Presented by Ron Houser, member of the Audubon Society with 50 years of birding experience. Program geared for adults.
Seaside Stitchers
Corinne Costin Gibson Memorial Public Library 110 Library Drive, Port St. JoeWe offer a warm, seaside welcome to anyone who is interested in needle arts. Bring your latest project and join us as we knit together a more vibrant community!
Crafternoon: Diamond Art Bookmarks (Adults and Teens 16+)
Parker Public Library 4710 Second Street, ParkerCome make a Diamond art bookmark. All supplies provided.
Teen Dungeons and Dragons (Ages 13 – 17, Registration Required)
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityAdventure through a tabletop session of Dungeons and Dragons, Fifth Edition. Beginners welcome. Program geared for teens ages 13 - 17. Registration Required. Call the library at 850-522-2118 or visit […]