4 events found.
Bay County Public Library
Bouncin’ Babies & Toddlin’ 2s (Ages 0 – 2 with Caregiver)
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityTwo start times for the same class - 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Stories, bounces and rhymes for littles to build early literacy skills. Class limited to 40 people per […]
Digital Literacy Class: Google Docs (Registration Required)
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityInterested in learning how to use Google Docs? This class is for you! Google Docs is a free online word process that is accessible anywhere you have internet access! All […]
World War II Military History
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityPresented by military historian, Nick Scheffer. Program part of the Bay County Public Library's Tuesdays at 2 Continuing Education Series.
Interview Skills with CareerSource (Ages 14 – 18 / Registration Required)
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityLearn helpful tips for when applying for jobs! Interview class will be taught by CareerSource Gulf Coast. Registration Required. Visit the Youth Services Department or call 850-522-2118 to register.