4 events found.
Sail into School (Ages 3 – 5 / Class size limited)
Panama City Beach Public Library 12500 Hutchison Blvd, Panama City BeachJoin us for stories, songs, and felt play all to get ready for school! Class size is limited to 24 people.
Read & Rhyme Storytime (Ages 3 – 5 with Caregiver)
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityEnjoy stories and songs with your preschooler while they learn early literacy skills.
Charles Whitehead Memorial Public Library 314 North Second Street, WewahitchkaBuild unique challenges followed by free play. Program geared for school aged children.
Corinne Costin Gibson Memorial Public Library 110 Library Drive, Port St. JoeMonthly building challenges followed by time to free build with friends! Program geared for school aged children.