Bouncin’ Babies & Toddlin’ 2s (Ages 0 – 2 with Caregiver)
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityTwo start times for the same class - 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Stories, bounces and rhymes for littles to build early literacy skills. Class limited to 40 people per […]
Book Babies (Ages 0 – 2)
Panama City Beach Public Library 12500 Hutchison Blvd, Panama City BeachBring your baby and enjoy a time of interactive stories, songs, and scarf play. Class sizes are limited to 24 people each session; two class times of same class. Program […]
Homeschool Hangout
Parker Public Library 4710 Second Street, ParkerCome meet up with other local homeschoolers in a relaxed atmosphere and make new friends too! Games & LEGOs available.
Homeschool Hangout
Parker Public Library 4710 Second Street, ParkerCome meet up with other local homeschoolers in a relaxed atmosphere and make new friends too! Games & LEGOs available.
Homeschool Hangout
Harrell Memorial Public Library 13016 NW CR 12, BristolJoin other homeschool families for a social hour with games, STEM toys and Legos. All ages are welcome. For more information, contact the library at 850-643-2247.
Blood Pressure 101
Bay County Public Library 898 W 11th Street, Panama CityLearn how to monitor your blood pressure. Program taught by Dixie Williams, RN from FL Health Bay County. Program part of the Bay County Public Library's Tuesdays at 2 Continuing […]
Chess Club
Charles Whitehead Memorial Public Library 314 North Second Street, WewahitchkaAll ages and levels of experience are welcome: Adults, Teens and Kids! Chess board and pieces provided. You may also bring your own. Children can arrive after school gets out. […]
Crafternoon at the Library: Yarn Art
Corinne Costin Gibson Memorial Public Library 110 Library Drive, Port St. JoeGet craft-y with us! Different project each month. Materials provided. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a caregiver. Program geared for all ages. March: Yarn Art Create an artwork […]
LEGO Club (Ages 7 – 11, Registration Required)
Panama City Beach Public Library 12500 Hutchison Blvd, Panama City BeachProgram geared for 7 to 11 years old. Join us every month for a different theme to create with LEGOs. We will display completed LEGO creations in the library. Registration […]