Computer Classes

The Northwest Regional Library System offers free workshops for beginning computer users in the Bay County Public Library computer lab. Instruction is hands-on and is designed to be progressive. Several of our librarians are certified Microsoft Office Specialists.

The Bay County Public Library is scheduling “Book-a-Librarian” sessions for a one-on-one instructional computer class, how to learn to use your device, or to download library books through the Libby app.  There are also Digital Literacy Classes held in the Computer Lab. For more information, please call 850-522-2107. 

Bay County Public Library also has a Digital Media Lab if wanting to Book-a-Librarian for the Rodecaster Pro podcasting station, Epson Scanner perfect for family photos, and more!  The room can be scheduled to use for up to 4-hours at a time. For more information, please call 850-522-2107.